
My aim is to bring about a developmentally nurturing, supportive, respectful and where necessary appropriately challenging environment, where thoughts, feelings and issues can be freely explored and reflected upon.

I have worked as a clinical supervisor since 2004. I have a wealth of experience supervising both individuals and groups. 

My practice has a grounding in Humanistic Psychology, Humanistic Philosophy and the Person-Centred Approach. Alongside this I hold knowledge of a number of psychotherapeutic theories that I study both independently and as a member of an ongoing professional development group convened by Michael Soth, focusing upon integrative, embodied, and relational aspects of the therapeutic approaches and modalities. I have been a member of this group since 2015.

Through this continuing study and development I have brought forward an understanding of how to recognise, and then patiently gather, hold, and work with the opposing and confusing fragments of the enactments and ruptures that can often feel like a direct threat to the working alliance.

Over the years I have worked with therapists from Humanistic, Person-Centred, Gestalt, Integrative, Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Jungian and Psychodynamic backgrounds.

From my experience of working across modalities I have become accustomed to working with transference and counter-transference dynamics.

Post Graduate Diploma in Person-Centred Supervision (2 year course) 2005 - Temenos.
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Contact Me
  The Brambles, Thorney Road, Coventry CV2 3PH