
I hope that you find my website helpful and informative

" Al Skiffington-Smith offers the opportunity to experience a unique therapeutic encounter helping you move on to different ways of thinking and feeling about yourself and your life "


My approach to working with people is based on generating trust and insight

Private Psychotherapy in Coventry & Private Counselling in Coventry

I am a psychotherapist, counsellor and clinical supervisor.

I offer virtual online sessions to people from all over the UK.

I am experienced in working on an international basis.

Free Mutual Assessment Session

I offer a free Mutual Assessment Session - subject to availability. I do this because I recognise that one of the most important factors in any therapeutic work is the relationship between a client and their therapist. Without a strong working alliance the work will suffer. This is why I offer an hour of my time free of charge for you to meet with me. You can then decide for yourself if you would find what I offer of value and I will also let you know if I feel that I can be of help to you.

Did You Know...?
You do not need a referral from a GP to make an appointment with me.
Psychotherapy and Counselling do not always have to be about the problems we are facing - therapy can also help enhance your life by talking through your aspirations to promote personal growth and self-development. 

What is the difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling?
There are differing views about the difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling. However, in general the term ‘Psychotherapy’ is often used to refer to long-term in-depth therapy with a broad focus upon long-standing emotional and psychological issues and problems, at times looking from the perspective of childhood. Whereas the term ‘Counselling’ is often used to refer to shorter-term therapy with a specific focus upon an issue or issues. Whilst there may be differing perceptions, it is important to recognise the large overlap that exists between Psychotherapy and Counselling. Both Psychotherapy and Counselling represent a focused endeavour of working towards the reduction of emotional and psychological distress.

Current Availability

Email me


Please note:  There are times when my practice becomes fully booked. When this happens I keep a waiting list. You are welcome to email me to enquire about my availability.

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Contact Me
  The Brambles, Thorney Road, Coventry CV2 3PH